Friday, June 11, 2010

How Much Restoril Will Kill You

Cloud egg

Cloud egg as was named the Great Manal Alalam croque madame or simply baked. A small simple recipe, ideal for a light meal with a green salad.

In ingredients:
  • groups p ain sandwich
  • slices of cheese croque monsieur
  • Eggs (1 egg for each undertaker)
  • Ham pate, hide (for me)
  • herbs to taste
  • salt and pepper
Preparation: Preheat oven to 200 ° C.
Place a slice of cheese on a slice of bread. S aupoudrer a few herbs, bring a slice of hide or ham. Separate the whites from the yolks of eggs by placing each in a yellow lightly oiled ramekin. B ATTRE whites until stiff with a little salt and pepper. Dresser snow on the hide and using a spatula, make an indentation in the middle and pour the yolk in each cell. E BUTNOTPROVIDED for a few minutes.

Serve warm croque madame.


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