Sunday, June 27, 2010

Much Panadol Does Take Kill You


Still a little recipe with bread crumbs and always the same source for the recipe.


  • bread

  • cheese spread

  • cucumber and tomatoes into small dice

  • salt and pepper

  • parsley

  • a little oil

  • a little flour and water to weld horns
Preparation: Remove the edges of the bread, flatten it with a roll into a cone and weld the edges well with the flour-water mixture. Place on a cookie sheet, coat lightly with oil and bake for 10 minutes.

When serving cheese stuffing mixture, cucumber, tomato, parsley, salt and pepper (or to taste)

Print Ql-500 Brother Termopaper

toast Toast Fried

Here is a very easy entry to the toast stuffed with cheese then breaded and fried. It seems a bit stodgy, but believe me they are very light and ideal for those days summer. The recipe is from Manal Alalam .

  • of bread (especially not the first prize)
  • cheese spread
  • a little dried mint powder
  • 1 or 2 eggs
  • breadcrumbs
  • 2 tbsp flour with 3 or 4 tbsp water
  • oil Frying
Preparation: Begin by removing the edges of the slices of bread. Pass the roller over each piece to flatten. Using a pastry cutter, cut circles and put them in as and in a bag. Mix the flour with a little water to form a dough not too thin we pass on the edge of the bread. Place in a medium tsp dried mint cheese mixture. R iscover with another round. Support to weld, move into the beaten egg then in breadcrumbs and fry the 2 sides. Place on paper towels. Serve warm.

Friday, June 25, 2010

Can You Bring An Epilator On An Airplane

Tunisian tajine

With this weather, I had a great desire to test the Tunisian tajine Zahra I thank you very much for this recipe. It was so good, tasty and light that I left out what I had prepared for lunch. I am copy / paste the recipe:


  • 500 g of chicken (for me I chose the thighs because they are more tender!)

  • 2 small potatoes, diced

  • 1 finely chopped onion

  • 1 small bunch parsley

  • 100g grated cheese

  • 8 eggs

  • different Cheese (Slice 4 + St. Paulin for me and Edam cheese young Holland for me)

  • Salt and pepper

  • 1 tsp turmeric

  • 1 tsp coriander
Preparation: Sauté onion, cut into thin strips with a drizzle of olive oil, then add the chicken, cut into small pieces, salt and pepper. Cook a bit by adding a small glass of water with spices. Then fry the potatoes into cubes. Take it cooked diced chicken, mix with potatoes, grated cheese and remaining cheese, with the small bunch of parsley finely cut and the end add the eggs.

Preheat oven to 180 ° Pour into square pan deep where another mold of your choice. cook for 20 to 30mn by testing occasionally with a knife due out dry. Remove from the oven as soon as it is slightly golden and serve hot or warm as a place where a salad.

Thursday, June 24, 2010

Berger Paints Colour Card

Caramels Chewy Milk Chocolate Cookies

As I had a jar of sugar that I absolutely had to sell, I looked for a long time to fall here the famous recipe of caramel Christophe Felder . Very soft caramels good taste of milk chocolate and most important do not stick to teeth. I'm copying and pasting the recipe.

Ingredients for a plate of 35 by 25 cm

  • 200 g of chocolate milk
  • 250 g sugar
  • 33 cl of cream and 30% fat
  • 250 g glucose
  • 1 packet of vanilla sugar
  • 10 g salted butter
Preparation: Put sugar, cream, sugar and vanilla sugar in a saucepan. Cook over low heat until the mixture reaches a temperature of 118 ° C (that is long enough! But beware, there are levels: it heats up very quickly, then it stagnated for some time, then it heats again very soon: stay close to the pan!). As and measure of cooking, mixture will thicken but unnecessary stir.
Remove from heat, add chocolate (chopped or pistols) and butter and mix well until mixture is smooth. Pour the mixture onto a sheet of parchment paper placed on a plate to ensure even smoother surface, lay a sheet of parchment paper over and have a rolling pin across the surface without too much pressure. Let cool then cut into squares.

Wrap in cellophane or what you have on hand.

Wednesday, June 16, 2010

Extra Long And Thick Scarf

tabbouleh tabby

Here delicious cupcakes very perfect background for a gourmet taste. A very simple recipe Choumicha .


  • 70g semolina

  • 125g caster sugar

  • 1 packet baking powder (I put 1 / 2)

  • 10 cl edible oil

  • 3 eggs

  • 1 pinch of salt

  • coconut as needed

  • vermicelli chocolate
Preparation: In a bowl, mix by hand semolina, sugar, yeast chemical, eggs and salt. Gradually add the coconut to get tion a paste that can be rolled slightly (dough're too hard). Stir a little chocolate vermicelli and mix quickly the whole thing. Form small balls, place them in the space on a baking sheet lined with parchment paper and bake in preheated oven at 180 degrees. Cool completely before removing the plate.

Enjoy with a cup of coffee or tea with mint.

These cupcakes are very well preserved in an airtight container.

Sunday, June 13, 2010

Gay Cruising Spot Hawaii

P o this afternoon I prepared a delicious tabbouleh . An entry fresh and rich in greenery came straight from the Middle East. The real tabbouleh prepares based bulgur and has nothing to do with trade tabbouleh, made from semolina couscous. Well it's a bit long to do but it's very good. It's a perfect recipe as a meal in summer.


  • 1 / 2 cup bulgur
  • 2 large bunches flat-leaf parsley (leaves only)
  • 1 small bunch fresh mint
  • 1 small green onion
  • 3 or 4 red tomatoes
  • 1 / 2 cup olive oil
  • 2-3 lemon juice 1 tsp
  • salt
  • 1 pinch pepper (optional)
Preparation: Rinse bulgur and let rise in a warm water for fifteen minutes, then drain it in a large colander.

rather finely chop the parsley and mint and chop the tomatoes and onion cubes.

Combine all ingredients in a bowl. V heck seasoning and marinate.

Refrigerate for several hours.

Serve chilled.

Saturday, June 12, 2010

If You Swallow Listerine

Buns with parsley

Today we were treated to a little sunshine and also the desire to prepare these rolls with parsley, which I already had the opportunity to test it some time ago. I found this recipe on a blog that does not exist anymore, thankfully I noted the source. blog home is Polish, but my friend Google helped me even if its translation is sometimes funny but hey, go to the recipe.


* 400g flour

* 20g sugar

* 1 tsp salt

* 1 tsp dry yeast (1 case for me)

* 260 g of milk (I only needed 200g of milk ie 200 ml)

* 30g butter, melted


* 60 g butter

* 4 cloves garlic, finely chopped (6 pods for me)

* 2 tsp dried parsley

* salt and white pepper

* 1 egg yolk + 1 tbsp milk

Preparation: Knead (I used my MAP ) all ingredients. After the first round, degas the dough and divide into 12 balls, cover and let stand 15 minutes. Repeat every ball, spread it around and give him a round or elongated. Cover with a damp cloth and let rise for 30 more minutes.

Preheat oven to 200 degrees. After the last collection, brown the buns with the mixture of egg yolk-milk, make an incision on each roll over and have a bit of stuffing (mix softened butter, crushed garlic, parsley, salt and pepper) and bake

be enjoyed at the exit of the oven with cheese delicious!

Friday, June 11, 2010

How Much Restoril Will Kill You

Cloud egg

Cloud egg as was named the Great Manal Alalam croque madame or simply baked. A small simple recipe, ideal for a light meal with a green salad.

In ingredients:
  • groups p ain sandwich
  • slices of cheese croque monsieur
  • Eggs (1 egg for each undertaker)
  • Ham pate, hide (for me)
  • herbs to taste
  • salt and pepper
Preparation: Preheat oven to 200 ° C.
Place a slice of cheese on a slice of bread. S aupoudrer a few herbs, bring a slice of hide or ham. Separate the whites from the yolks of eggs by placing each in a yellow lightly oiled ramekin. B ATTRE whites until stiff with a little salt and pepper. Dresser snow on the hide and using a spatula, make an indentation in the middle and pour the yolk in each cell. E BUTNOTPROVIDED for a few minutes.

Serve warm croque madame.

Thursday, June 10, 2010

Ingredients Of Johnson Baby Shampoo

Kidney parsley

Here's a little recipe that helps out when you're rushed or you do not feel like cooking too. We just serve it with fries and a green salad and voila.

  • veal kidneys, beef ...
  • 2 or 3 cloves garlic
  • onion powder
  • salt, pepper and cumin
  • juice of half a lemon parsley
  • a little Oil
Preparation: Clean the kidneys, wash, cut into pieces and marinate some time with salt, garlic and spices. Sauté in a pan with a little oil, add to the end a little water in the pan, then give some broth, sprinkle with parsley chopped and sprinkle with lemon juice, stir and remove from heat. Pour over chips and let it absorb well. Serve chilled or warm.

Wednesday, June 9, 2010

Airtel Telephone Directory Bangalore

Zroudia mchermla (Carrots mchermel)

I share with you a good recipe carrots scented with cumin and coriander easy for sunny days ahead.

  • carrots
  • few cloves of garlic
  • salt, pepper, cumin and harissa
  • juice of half a lemon
  • mixture of parsley and cilantro
  • a little olive oil
Preparation: In a pan put some olive oil with crushed garlic and sliced carrots. Stir a bit, then sprinkle with cumin, harissa, salt and pepper. Stir everything and then add a little water and cook over low heat. Towards the end sprinkle the lemon juice and sprinkle with coriander and parsley, leave for 2 minutes and turn off heat.
Serve warm or cold as a starter.

Monday, June 7, 2010

Pokemon Frigo Returns Version

Moroccan Chicken mchermel to My

For a change of the eternal chicken in the oven, I am a first in Moroccan cuisine that I just found out with this delicious way to prepare chicken with a whole mixture flavors. I really hesitated before using the parsley-cilantro mix, but then I do not regret because I got a chicken more than good. I accompanied a delicious rice with minced meat with oriental flavor (a discovery for me too)

  • 1 whole chicken (pieces for me)
  • 1 onion
  • 3 cloves garlic
  • salt, pepper, ginger powder (I used Fresh), cumin, paprika, chili powder
  • 1 tbsp tomato paste
  • parsley and cilantro mixture
  • 1 bouillon cube
  • a little oil
Preparation: Begin by cleaning, singe and wash the chicken, marinate with a little olive oil, spices, garlic and parsley-cilantro mix.
In a saucepan sauté chopped onion in a little oil then add the chicken and its marinade and stir a bit to soak.

Sprinkle with water, add bouillon cube and cook completely.

After cooking, remove chicken pieces and dip them in the oven, reserving cooking sauce (make it thicken a bit to go with rice for example).

Serve chicken to taste with rice along with the cooking sauce.