Wednesday, May 5, 2010

Best Food Receipe For Stroke Patient

shortbread with jam

I present you my recipe for shortbread cookies with jam. I confess that my favorite recipe that I am loyal for years because it is grain department and gives very little fondant cakes that accompany a good coffee or tea. They keep well in an airtight box .


3 eggs 1 cup
not too full of sugar
250 g butter or margarine
1 teaspoon baking powder
2 packets of vanilla sugar
flour + a glass of dry cornstarch.
jam of your choice (I used strawberry jam for good Workshop jam
icing sugar for decoration

Preparation: In a bowl, work the soft butter and sugar for a creamy white. Add the eggs one by one by working every time. Mix the yeast with a little flour and glass and add cornstarch mixture quickly. Add flour if necessary until dough is soft but not hard. Filming the dough and chill for 30 minutes.
Preheat oven to 180 degrees. Lightly flour the work plan, roll out dough to 2 mm, cut out shapes with a cookie cutter, place on a lined sheet and bake for a few minutes, checking (the cookies should remain white without staining because they harden after cooling)

Let the shortbread cool then sprinkle with icing sugar before assembling them with jam. Store in an airtight container and enjoy.

A small photo jams received


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