Sunday, May 30, 2010

How To Get Rid Of Irritated Hair Follicles

Good day to all moms

Today is Mother's Day, on this occasion, I wish a happy birthday to all the mothers of the earth and especially to mine. I enjoyed being with you to wish you happy birthday, but

despite my absence you are always in my heart and my thoughts. This cupcake is for all you moms of the world.

Wednesday, May 26, 2010

Designer Label With Yellow Logo

Hrissi without baking (cake with marzipan)

Hrissi (not to be confused with the spicy sauce made from chili peppers) is a sweet treat that comes straight Algiers. A cake ceremony trendy a few years ago. I loved watching my mother when she was preparing to celebrate a happy event but good memories! There are several recipes Hrissi with or without cooking. You can give it any shape, but the form of diamond topped with a candied cherry half is my favorite. You can also use a dye or leave nature. enough blah blah go to the recipe.


  • 500g blanched almonds, finely ground dried
  • 750g icing sugar sifted

  • 350g softened butter

  • vanilla
Preparation: working well with butter icing sugar and vanilla until a whitish cream. I ncorporer then almonds and continue to work to form a dough ball. At this point the dough is very soft, do not hesitate to put in the fridge wrapped in a plastic bag.

paste Resume and work on a cornstarch dusted, forming a bead

Cut diamond

Prick half a candied cherry, place on a tray and dry in the open air

Sunday, May 23, 2010

Christmas Amateur Surgeon Iphone Walkthrough

Black Forest

Here is a good I realize that cake every time, to the delight of my family so it is good, light, sweet ... and easy!

  • 6 eggs (depending on the diameter of the mold if the mold is great to add an egg or more and increase the amount of sugar and flour for each egg, which corresponds to 30 g sugar and 30 grams of flour and replace part of flour with cocoa for a chocolate sponge cake

  • 180 g

  • 150 d flour

  • 30 g unsweetened cocoa

  • 1 tsp baking powder

  • 1 box of cherries in syrup

  • whipped

  • chocolate chips (store bought or made with a knife efficient).
Prepare the cake: Preheat oven to 180 degrees. Beat length the eggs and sugar for a good ten minutes until the mixture whitens and triples in volume. Stir baking powder and cocoa to the flour, sift and add to the mixture in small amounts by raising a marise . Pour the batter into a greased and floured butter miss. Bake 15 minutes, checking for doneness with a knife blade. After cooling, cut the cake into 3 discs.
Drain cherries, reserving syrup.
Mounting: place the first disc of sponge cake on a serving platter, the puncher with cherry syrup, spread over the 1 / 4 of whipped cream, spread a portion of cherries, put the second disc of sponge cake, top with the same way and the last disc. M ASQUER top and sides with chantilly.Parsemer whole cake with chocolate shavings, garnish to taste with rosettes of whipped cream and whole cherries. Refrigerate at least 2 hours before serving .

A tite share?

Saturday, May 15, 2010

Nose Blackhead Broken Capillary

Pictures of my last reception

I leave you with some photos of my last reception, hoping to see you soon for recipes.

mini-pizzas to accompany the juice

Algerian pastries to coffee:


                                 Tcharek mssaker 


A black forest

Small buns Algiers (kikaat Bouchkara)

and finally a good tea to accompany the pinion: baghrir, Turkish and fru halwat icts dry.

Brown Discharge During Herpes Outbreak?

Tarts cheese (white)

Right now unfortunately I do not really want to blog is a pity because I have a lot of recipes waiting. I end by the recipe for these little tarts (you can do in trays) very good very good accompanying drinks spawning tasks at buffets birthday for example.


* Shortcrust pastry ready


* 3 cups of fresh cheese (fromage blanc and 30% fat louse me) (about 200g)

* 7 tablespoons flour

* 3 eggs

* salt, white pepper and nutmeg

Preparation: Line small pie pans or trays of pastry and cook in white. Meanwhile, prepare the stuffing by mixing the flour with spices and cheese and finally the eggs. Fill pie shells with this mixture and bake.
* I have divided the stuffing ingredients by 3 because I found that the amount was large.

Sunday, May 9, 2010

Why Do I Get Wet Dreams

Tarts free chocolate paste

tarts simple, easy and delicious especially the taste of milk chocolate. You can put if you want a bit of ganache but I think the idea to sprinkle icing sugar and cocoa is perfect.

  • 6 eggs
  • 200g caster sugar (slightly less)
  • 100g flour
  • 200 g of milk chocolate
Preparation: Beat eggs and sugar, add flour, mix again and then the melted chocolate. Pour into small tart pans buttered and floured (complete with 3 / 4) and bake. After cooling, sprinkle each half with cocoa and sugar.

Thursday, May 6, 2010

Skatepark Teckdeck Game

Jelly My

Small treats very easy and too good.


  • 10 tablespoons apple juice
  • 4 tablespoons lemon juice
  • 200 g caster sugar
  • 5 leaves of gelatine (10 g)
  • few drops of food coloring
Preparation: Begin to soften the gelatin in cold water. Boil in a pot of apple juice, lemon juice and sugar for 4-5 minutes. Remove from heat and add gelatin, stirring until dissolved. Spoon into ramekins and add the dye by taste. We can let nature and gives a beautiful honey color as the picture (I liked that). Mix quickly and pour into small preferably silicone molds for easy removal. Refrigerate for several hours.

Remove from pan and immediately roll in sugar crystallized. Allow to air dry before enjoying free (if you are patient, of course!)

Source: the net.

Wednesday, May 5, 2010

Best Food Receipe For Stroke Patient

shortbread with jam

I present you my recipe for shortbread cookies with jam. I confess that my favorite recipe that I am loyal for years because it is grain department and gives very little fondant cakes that accompany a good coffee or tea. They keep well in an airtight box .


3 eggs 1 cup
not too full of sugar
250 g butter or margarine
1 teaspoon baking powder
2 packets of vanilla sugar
flour + a glass of dry cornstarch.
jam of your choice (I used strawberry jam for good Workshop jam
icing sugar for decoration

Preparation: In a bowl, work the soft butter and sugar for a creamy white. Add the eggs one by one by working every time. Mix the yeast with a little flour and glass and add cornstarch mixture quickly. Add flour if necessary until dough is soft but not hard. Filming the dough and chill for 30 minutes.
Preheat oven to 180 degrees. Lightly flour the work plan, roll out dough to 2 mm, cut out shapes with a cookie cutter, place on a lined sheet and bake for a few minutes, checking (the cookies should remain white without staining because they harden after cooling)

Let the shortbread cool then sprinkle with icing sugar before assembling them with jam. Store in an airtight container and enjoy.

A small photo jams received

Tuesday, May 4, 2010

Other Things Like Jib Jab

Verrines diplomats

Here's a little recipe you can do with the remains of a biscuit and cream. It can vary to infinity using what was at hand.

  • remains of crumbled biscuits (sponge cake for me)
  • a little cream (custard, chiffon, diplomat, chiboust .. .)
  • a little whipped
  • syrup
  • strawberries or other fruit of choice (in syrup ...)
  • slivered almonds

    Preparation: spread in the bottom of glasses with a layer of cookies, puncher lightly with a little syrup, add the diced fruit, then over a little cream, repeat and finish with a beautiful rosette of whipped cream. Develop frais.Au Just before serving, sprinkle the diplomats sliced almonds lightly toasted. Serve well chilled.

Monday, May 3, 2010

Best Cleanser And Toner

Strawberry Strawberry Cream diplomat

J e begins today, with a delicious recipe for strawberry . The recipe seems long but in fact it is very easy and the result is worth it. For the cake I made 2 so I doubled the ingredients.

  • 4 eggs 120g caster sugar
  • 120 g flour 1 tsp
  • baking powder
  • 1 packet vanilla sugar.
  • 50 cl of milk
  • 125 g caster sugar
  • 63 g cornstarch 2 eggs
  • 8 g gelatin
  • 1 packet vanilla sugar 50 g
  • softened butter
  • 20 cl of cream full
  • 1 tbsp sugar.
  • strawberry syrup
  • puncher for the biscuit
  • For the decoration: whipped cream (I added the cream sets for a better grip) .
making the sponge : Preheat oven to 180 degrees. Beat eggs and a long sugar a good ten minutes until the mixture whitens and triples in volume. Stir the yeast into the flour and add to the mixture in small increments by raising with husbands. Pour the mixture on a plate lined, smooth top and bake 10 to 12 minutes soon.

making crème diplomat
In a saucepan pour milk + 1 / 2 sugar, stir with whisk and bring on the fire to heat a little.
other hand, in a bowl, place the remaining sugar with 63 g of cornstarch, vanilla and 2 eggs. Mix with a manual whisk, then pour the warmed milk, stir and then quickly return to the heat stirring constantly until boiling up (not too thick), then remove the heat, add softened gelatin. Stir to dissolve and then add the butter. Pour into a bowl cold (do not forget to shoot to prevent the formation of a film) and let cool thoroughly. Stir in the cream last and keep refrigerated.

Mounting cake
Take a serving dish, place over a circle pin lined rhodoïd. Arrange strawberries, cut into 2 against the walls of the circle, then place a hot biscuit, punch with the syrup, cover the edges of the biscuit and cream, sprinkle with sliced strawberries have a second hard biscuit soaked in syrup and covered with cream and strawberries and then the third disc. Top with remaining cream and strawberry chill.

Finally top with whipped cream until stiff and very cold (do not hesitate to use the cream fixed for good behavior) to taste and garnish with whole strawberries and let cool. Just before serving remove the circle and enjoy.