Monday, December 22, 2008

Radeon 9200 Family Agpdrivers

Should we break the concrete slab floor? Or, if there is rising damp
In this case => lime-hemp tile 10 cm by 15 cm hedgehog
Step 1: (1d 1 / 2) cracking of the slab (10 à15cm) in Using 2 of loc breaker, with the help of 2 friends (1 + 2 in the wheelbarrow with a hammer),
Step 2: (1d to 2 pers.) Breaking and removal of large blocks with a mini excavator (90 cm wide): This decision was long the Because of the expense but it was worth it, I will have broken the lower layer to the deck alone,
Step 3: (2d only) removal of remaining concrete blocks ... shovel, pick, Baramine (very useful sometimes), and wheel barrow (knows no electric model ...:)),
Step 4: (5 x 1 / 2 day only) unpacking (15 to 20 cm) beat up the earth (clay-sand mixture relatively dry), the uh ... again (by economy and because I had the time) with a shovel, pick and wheelbarrow (the same)

You may have to remove the cement on the interior bearing walls to facilitate breathing walls and limit moisture

a idea of partition hemp


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