Monday, December 22, 2008

How Are Mountain King Trees Put Together

reduced rate of VAT for renovation work done by a service

Question. part of a SCI submitted to the IR family owns a building used for rental, what rate of VAT are subject renovations 5.5 or 19.6.

Response. Any natural or legal person (company , whether owner, tenant, occupant without payment being run by a building professional, work in a residential housing completed over two years, may benefit from reduced VAT rate to 5.5%, as housing is a primary or secondary residence.

To qualify for the reduced rate, the customer must provide the claimant, a document attesting that the date of completion of construction of housing is older than two years of commencement of work covered by the 5.5% VAT .

The catch: You can directly purchase raw materials with a VAT rate of 5.5: We have to necessarily go through a company. More info here:


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