Friday, October 17, 2008

Read Futanari Kokoro Tenshin

CR Notary / Mid October

intake industry is to value the work done by the shareholders.
Cost of "materials" (land + construction): 200 KE
Valuation of work: 75 K euros (Cost of the property for resale - material = 275 KE-200 KE )
At 1000 euros a share, 75 shares will be allocated based on the # of partners
The tax on the company can be more interesting tax

The and joint responsibilities are undefined: If we add 10 Keuros for defects, all partners will be affected in proportion to its stake in SCI

Unable to dissolve the SCI before 10 years => year warranty

need to have at least a manager or 2 (not 5) What
the right to a manager without convening the assembly charge maintenance, borrow ...
Beyond what amount, is he incompetent?
a decision is taken by the majority, double majority, qualified majority

In case of death of a partner, it is possible to modulate the sessions according to the stage of the project (construction, before 10 years after 10 years).
No difference at this level, if the loan is contracted individually or together with associated by SCI. However, it is easier to review the bills if the loan is made SCI

The land will inevitably be used by SCI. The advertised price is tax. If an individual buys a property, VAT is 5.5%, Si is a company, the VAT is 19.6.
+ notary fees of around 2.5%
Either a field of 70 K euros, SCI bought it at 84.7 K euros.
Unstoppable, we can not do anything!

A Note in the articles:
Timeliness, ie commitment of partners to work on time (a one-year delay in the project investment leaden course)
can study how I manage a withdrawal of a partner during construction

A dig with an accountant (or google Almighty): Advantage SCI to spend on the tax to the company. A study based on the income tax paid by shareholders.

A little literature found on the net -Questions-readers-Sci_et_impot_sur_les_societes_00000044.html; post = 149831; guest = & t = is


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