Wednesday, October 15, 2008

How Long To Learn Calligraphy

contact City University plouzane

Here summary of the telephone conversation with the agency in charge of managing the university campus Plouzané.

2 months of summer are distributed throughout the year. A dwelling is rented from September to June and summer is free
Rates are all inclusive: cleaning for common areas, trash, maintenance, servicing
remains studios arranged throughout the year, given the many Departures (internship ...)
The T2, T3 used for collocation are reserved for long periods. She could not see me move on 2008-2009 +

For rates, + it gets into the storey, + it's expensive. The building has 7 floors
Rates studio
Garden level (6 high) => 393 eruos at garden => 20 m²
=> 16 euros per sq m over 12 months
the 5th to the 7th floor: 415 to 46o euros per month
Expect: 130 to 160 euros ceilings for housing assistance

Collocations: T2, T3
common toilet, 1 bathroom
per person for T3, a shared bath for T2 T2
My hypothesis (to be verified on site): 5 (bathroom) + 2 (WC) + 10 (lounge) +16 (2 bedrooms)
=> either about : 33 m² with a minimum tariff of 290 euros (garden level)
=> 14.6 euro per sq m
T3 (with bedroom + large): 340 euros
My hypothesis: 10 (3 bathroom) + 2 ( WC) + 10 (lounge) + 24 (2 bedrooms) => 46 m²
=> 18 euros per m²
2 times less aid for the housemate: 70 euros maximum possible
Tours are from 9am and à13h00 13h30 to 19h00

My analysis:
=> Try to stay around 250 euros net per student (including aid), either 380 euros All taxes included
=> Collocations seem very popular because the rent is less than the studio.


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