Thursday, March 5, 2009

Nebosh Model Question Paper

comparison sites Plouzané

  • Warehouse to locmaria
Plot: 1607 m² Resuming
land: 400 m2
=> Land area futures: 1200 m2
=> Sold: 120 Ke
=> Demolition Cost: 17
= KE> Price per m2 of floor area on land traded at 110 euros = 230 KE the m2 (120 480)

  • On the ground of 1600 m2 locmaria
1207 m2: COS: 0.5 => 120
KE => 100 euros per m2
=> GFA: 603 m2
=> Price per m2 of floor area = 199 euros per m2 (120/603)
Administrative Approach for the subdivision: not available before July
2 * = 70 600 m2
KE => 116 euros per m2
=> GFA: 301 m2
=> Price per m2 of floor area = 232 euros per m2 (70/301) A road
4 meters will serve 2 lots.
Entering the second field will be a continuation of the first

No room for negotiation.


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