Wednesday, January 19, 2011

Texas Law On Black Mold Disclosure

Housing benefits



Housing assistance

There are two types: APL (university accommodation) and SLA (Social Housing Allowance). These aids are not made specifically for students. They therefore benefit from the same basis as any citizen. They are paid by the Family Allowances (FCA). Their funding comes from contributions.

How to benefit of ELL or ESL?

  • To qualify for LPA, you must be a tenant at senior housing, new or old, that is the subject of an agreement between the owner and state. Regardless of social status, age or background of the tenant. The amount varies by cons. It is calculated based on resources, family size, place of residence, the amount of rent and occupancy status. For students, a low income is applied.
  • Since January 1993, the ALS affects those with modest incomes, irrespective of residence, age or employment status.
In both cases, the student must be a tenant, subtenant or co-tenant of a new or old. His dwelling must be his principal residence and the lease in the name of the occupant. Technical detail, the housing can not be less than 9 m for a person to 16 square meters for a couple. It must also meet safety standards.

another excerpt:

aid communities Local

regions, departments or cities often provide financial aid to students from their territory. Forms of aid (grants, unsecured loans, emergency aid ...) and methods of allocation are highly variable (based on social criteria, depending on the training sector, level, the project studies or destination for an internship abroad ...) Learn directly from each community to know the precise timing and the steps to follow.
another excerpt :

The student loan guaranteed by the state

To enable students to diversify the sources of financing their student life, the state has established a guarantee fund "student loans". With this guarantee, some banks may grant a loan to a maximum of 15 000 € for all students under 28 years old, French citizen or EU or EEA European Economic conditions without resources, without parental guarantee or a third party. The possibility of deferred payment (partial or total) after graduation is also left to the discretion of the student borrower. Interest rates and loan terms vary according to banking organizations.

Monday, January 17, 2011

Slope For Straight Sided Bathtub

studies after the baccalaureate

Here are links to some sites that will be useful after the tray:
for orientation

- / plug-metier.html
- Http://

for awards:

for housing assistance:!ut/p/c1/04_SB8K8xLLM9MSSzPy8xBz9CP0os3hLf2dfY0cn3xBLb39DAyMfC1evQF9jAwN3A6B8JG55A2MCusNB9pnFG-AAjgYQeXzmo8gHuPhaGhgF-AeGeQU7AW0w1_fzyM9N1S_IjTDIDEhXBAAgg_Hp/dl2/d1/L3dHQSEvd0pDQUpBISEvZ0EhIQ!!/

If you want to understand the French education system:

here's a sample:

After Bachelor

Short training

The short courses, two years of study after the baccalaureate, concern the areas of business, industry or services. The courses always include internships and allow direct entry into the labor market. Careful selection is often performed for access to these courses.


  • the university of Technology (DUT), in 25 specialties sector production or services is prepared in 115 institutes of technology in universities;
  • the technical certificate (BTS ) prepares sectional senior technician in a school. 106 specializations are offered in the areas of hospitality, industry, health, applied arts, management and agriculture.

long programs

In France there are two main types of institutions to pursue higher education long: universities and colleges.


French universities are public institutions . These students receive the baccalaureate diploma or the French overseas allowing access to university in the country of origin. French universities hosted a little over 1.4 million students in 2009-2010. Among them 14.8% of students of all nationalities.
They offer basic training, technology training and professional programs.

accordance with the organization of European Studies, on long courses are organized into three successive levels , which can get 3 national diplomas:
  • license , prepared in 6 semesters
    2 channels are possible: the license, which is a general education and professional license, which is a vocational training.
  • the Master, prepared in 4 semesters after the license
    two pathways are possible: the master research that tracks then a doctorate and master professional who prepares for a given occupation and allows immediate entry to the labor market.
  • doctorate , prepared in 6 semesters after the master
    This third level is devoted to research work. A doctorate is obtained after submitting a thesis.

Graduate Schools Graduate Schools

institutions are selective public or private whose teaching prepares specialized professional fields, eg in the fields of engineering, architecture, trade and management, or translation, interpreting, journalism.

Among colleges, the "Grandes Ecoles" is a French specificity: they are highly selective institutions that receive far fewer students as universities. The "Grandes Ecoles" are engineers and top managers, but also specialists in art, literature and the humanities.

Training in large schools and special schools are generally made within 5 years, including two years of initial preparation, either within the institution itself, or in secondary schools. These schools can usually get a degree of bac + 5 giving the holder the master's degree at the end of schooling.

Sandwich courses

The alternative is to pursue a degree in alternating periods of classroom training in a school or university, and periods of practical training in a company.

This type of training, which can acquire both the skills and experience, is constantly increasing in higher education.

Alternation can prepare university-level bac + 2, as the technical certificate (BTS), or Bac + 3 + 5 or tray. Dozens of universities and high schools provide for the possibility of acquiring an engineering degree or a master by way of alternation.